Sunday, March 11, 2007

Bicycling for Exercise

Major milestone birthday in January. My sons and their families bought me a cool bicycle. So now I've got a bike, a helmet, gloves, and "no excuses".

Started about two weeks ago - just riding 45 minutes to an hour 5-6 days a week. I'm pretty sure most people can run faster than I ride (10-12 MPH?).

So what's changed in two weeks? Well, I'm sleeping better. My legs and butt are firmer. Going to doctor for a check-up later this week, but it's probably too soon for him to note any changes.

Another benefit: I'm in a great mood!

Anyone out there doing the same thing? Getting any other benefits? Any downside?

Saturday, March 10, 2007


OK - This is the first, the beginning. Is there anything I'm thinking about that will be of interest to anyone else? Am I just sending "Mimi Thoughts" into an electronic limbo? We'll see, won't we?

Random thought: What is the value of a life? It is no more than the sum of all the kind words, thoughtful acts, and love that is given and received.

What do you think?